
Fun Times

you have no idea how much we need these fun times.

this year has been a weird year for det vent. we finally released our ep back in february, but found ourselves unable to get over the promotional hump created by facebook. sure, you can beg your friends and the people who are "fans" of the band (still our friends) to download it, but where do you go from there? we seriously LABORED over this thing, and once it was available, we weren't really sure where to go from there.

there was, of course, the idea to play some live shows. since no one in northfield will have us, we started looking into bookings in the twin cities. if we were going to play shows though, that meant we had to practice, and along with some personal issues plaguing one of us (me, kevin) everyone's schedule was pretty booked up in february and march.

me, kevin, the one who plays the guitar, was ready to quit. i actually had taken a leave of absence from the band in order to get a handle on a few things (mostly, the health of my companion rabbit) and i told dan, the other one who sings and plays the keyboard, to replace me for the time being if he still wanted to play any shows in the near future. so at the end of march, the band was kind of left in limbo.

do we even want to continue with this? is this something that's still fun? is it turning into too much work? are we getting anywhere at all with it? is this just a studio band? can we even play a live show? why were we asking so many questions?

eventually, we decided that we needed to have fun again. so recently, the three of us-- me (kevin), dan, and adam, the other one who plays the drums-- got together for the first full band rehearsal/meeting in what felt like forever. rather than attempting to play any real songs that we have written (we played one during our meeting) we opted to get back to what det vent started out as- just some friends dicking around.

among the noises created in our rehearsal, the song "fun times are great" was born. it started with dan sampling our voices, adam dropping a beat, and me playing my delay pedals to create a weird computer warbling sound. i also started rapping at one point. you seriously have no idea how much we need these fun times. it may sound silly, but this is truly us getting back to what we need to do, and i'm not kidding when i say it is some of the realest music we have made as a band.

the song itself is available as a cassette single. i am not shitting you. we are making HOMEMADE CASSETTE SINGLES. we will take an old cassette single bought at a goodwill and i will record this song over it and print out the cover art for you. then we will either hand it to you in person or i will mail it to your house. here is the cover art:

and then here's the inside of the cassette:

since most of you are jerks who got rid of your cassette decks, we've kindly included a link to download a high quality WAV file of the song to play on your iPods or whatever you kids are using these days. i don't fuck with mp3 players, but i know a lot of you do.

anyway, fun times are great everyone. seriously, get at us if you want one of these and i will make it happen. email us or fuck with us on facebook.

thanks. hopefully this is the start of some more fun times for us in the band.

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